This is a super old post from my old blog post, “How to be a freelancer” that needs updating – I know, I know. But, I guess I needed a freelance article to publish 😀 I’ll be posting a new one soon.
She was 20 years old, fresh out of college when she decided to lock herself in her room for a couple of hours, tippy-tapping on her laptop for words that will, hopefully, go in sync in with her assignment.
“I remember going out only to pee and refill my cup of coffee and my plate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have to return back to my room to write more articles. That’s my life, I’m a freelance writer,” grinned *Malou, who, after two years, goes on writing five 500-word content articles within 24 hours.
And there are many more Ilonggo freelancers like Malou. It’s not a new thing, actually.
The advancement of technology has brought herewith the many facets of how work is being delivered and done. It has also brought a multitude of employment opportunities to those whose skill and time match the unruly requirement of the workforce.
We go jelly over people who earn bucks with their pajamas on. What’s envious about them is that they don’t have to work on a 9-to-5-basis, they can choose whatever outfit they want to wear, no one bosses them around, and they can work in the bathroom.
Freelancers are self-employed people who are not committed to a particular employer in a long-term foundation. Common freelancing fields include writing, web design, graphic design, website development, and digital marketing to name a few.
“Actually, I started writing for Essays.ph (Now Scribbloo) since I was in college to earn extra money for my baon,” she laughed. “It was fun in EPH. I met several Ilonggos there like, ahem, the one who is interviewing me. Moreover, we have several writing contests and seasonal team games there so that writers can have some fun with other individuals on the other side of the net.”
How much do you earn?
*Mark Vincent also hopped in the trend as a website developer in Freelancer.ph.
“It was quite difficult for me to enter Freelancer at first because people prefer experienced ones. We have these things called, Portfolios, Exams, Bids and Contests there to ‘upgrade’ your skills,” he said. “But it’s cool. Freelancing is a cool job, because it creates enough job opportunities for people like me.”
When it comes to the issue of income, money actually depends upon how you throw yourself at work. For Malou, she is paid P300 for writing a set of five 500-word articles. If she writes consistently each day, she can make around P9,000/month. But of course, she would take a day’s break and lounge in a coffee shop with her book on her nose, and that would mean she would lose hundreds of money for not working.
Mark Vincent explained that his income comes dependently on how much a person is offering for a project. The tricky thing there is, according to him, you have to bid for that project and wait until you get chosen. “If not, oh, well,” he shrugged.
“It’s a wonderful job, but not at all glamorous, because in the end, it’s just a job,” said Malou, “Some people may think of that because you can play with your work time. But, look, we can’t even enjoy Philippine holidays because we have to work our butts in order to earn. Moreover, as a writer, we have to uphold all grammar rules and make a perfect article so that it can be accepted. You have to have guts to be a freelancer and smart enough to know if you can handle it. Because if you do, it can be a piece of cake.”
Other freelancing websites most Ilonggos would come after are Upwork, Freelancer.ph, and OnlineJobs.Ph among others.
If you are also opting to be a freelancer, make sure that you consider the advantages and disadvantages of freelancing before making any hasty decisions.
“I am my own boss!”
It’s fascinating because YOU can pick and choose YOUR projects instead of being assigned to them, you make YOUR own decisions, and negotiate rate deals.
“I can work whenever I want.”
It’s easier to schedule your time the way you want to. You get an option to work in your comfort time zone, as some people find working early morning suitable while others work more efficiently during evenings. So you can make a choice. You also have complete control over how much money you can make.
“I work at the convenience of my own home.”
You can save gasoline if you could just stay at home. If you stay at home and work, you will figure out how much you can save on conveyance, right? Right. Plus, you have all the access to your refrigerator and hog on those yummy snacks. Yey, food! Oh, you can also work with your PJ’s on. Did I mention that you can even work if you’re in your bathroom? What? Scratch that? Did I mention that? Okay.
“I can get to experiment with my skills and work on my creativity!”
Experimenting with your skills and want to come up with something new in your company is quite limited, betimes. However, with freelancing, it gives you enough space to know your talent and work on it!
“I work on an individual basis!”
This is optional if whether you don’t mind being alone. Individuals who work well under pressure may find Freelancing a great idea and a big challenge because they take on all responsibilities for every project.
“My job is unstable, my time management is unstable and I really think my mind is unstable as well…Am I really hearing voices?”
Sometimes, in a month, you’re loaded with too much work – money will flow and you can have anything you want! But then…there are times in which you can’t even pay your bills. You don’t always know when the next paycheck is coming. Working overtime can be stressful, especially when taking on a lot of projects. There is no time to rest, as your brain never stops working. Pffftt. Freelancer.
“Way. Too. Much. Pressure.”
You are your own boss, remember? If you aren’t able to do a project by yourself, because of your lack of motivation or capacity, there is no one to help you.
“Way distracted? Oh, yeah.”
Not working in an office can make your mind wander many times. Working when you have no one’s keeping an eye on you, makes you want to take long breaks, which often results in losing clients and passing off projects quite later than the deadline.
“I’m so lonely…”
If you’re that type of person who can’t live without company, then probably you’ll be having a hard time being a freelancer. The cost of being free is: you’re on your own.