Telecommuting, commonly known as working from home, is a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, statistics show that the number of employees who work from home has increased by almost 50 percent in the last decade.
This can be attributed to many companies providing their employees with the option to work from home as a benefit.
Working from home provides you with many benefits: You can save time commuting and avoid spending money on gas and parking. Working from home also gives you more privacy and reduces your stress level because you’re not surrounded by co-workers all day long.
If you want to know how to work from home successfully, keep reading for some useful tips.
Communicate with your manager and coworkers
When working from home, you may feel like nobody is watching you, which can lead to less focus and productivity. In order to combat this, it’s important to keep communication lines open with your manager and coworkers. If you need to set up weekly or bi-weekly check-ins, do it.
If you and your manager decide that daily communication would be most beneficial, go ahead and do that as well. Communication is key when working from home, as it will help you feel more connected to the office and increase your productivity.
Set up a workspace
If you work from home, set up a space that is conducive to productivity and will allow you to work in peace. It should have the right level of lighting and temperature and have minimal distractions.
A cluttered workspace can lead to less productivity, so it’s important to keep it organized. If you have kids or pets, you may want to set up a separate area of the house to work, so you don’t have to worry about them while you’re trying to work.
Stay healthy
Even though you’re working from home, it’s important to stay healthy. For example, you should schedule breaks throughout the day, just like you would if you were working in an office, to give your brain a rest so you can stay focused and productive.
You should also make sure that you’re eating healthy meals and taking care of your body. If you have pets, you may want to consider hiring a housekeeper so you can keep your living space clean and healthy.
It’s also important to get enough sleep at night to become well-rested and ready to tackle your work the following day. Working from home can be very tiring if you don’t take care of yourself and put forth an effort to stay healthy.
Take breaks
When working from home, it is important to take breaks throughout the day in order to stay refreshed and focused. Get up and stretch your legs every few hours, take a walk around the block, or just step away from your desk for a few minutes. Taking breaks will help you to avoid burnout and will make you more productive in the long run.

Be flexible
Finally, when working from home it is important to be flexible both with yourself and with others. Things will inevitably come up that can interfere with work, such as family obligations or unexpected household repairs.
When these things happen, just do the best you can and try not to beat yourself up about it. Everyone is in the same boat when it comes to working from home, so we all need to cut each other some slack!
Establish boundaries and stick to them
Another important factor to consider when working from home is setting boundaries. You may feel like you have the ability to work whenever and for as long as you want, which can lead to burnout and extreme fatigue.
Make sure you set boundaries, such as working a specific number of hours per day and making sure to take time off each week to relax, go to the gym, or do something you enjoy.
It’s important to stick to these boundaries to avoid burning out. Remember to finish your work in a timely manner still! If you’re feeling stressed, take a break and go for a walk around the block or take a quick break to meditate or do some yoga to relax and reset your mind.

Working from home can be a great experience, but it’s important to follow some tips in order to make it successful. Communicate with your manager and coworkers to make sure everyone is on the same page. Set up a workspace that is conducive to productivity and staying healthy by taking care of your body and getting enough sleep. Finally, establish boundaries and make sure to stay focused and productive throughout the day. If you follow these tips, you can be successful while working from home.