The Perfect Tree for Nature and Storytelling

With The Perfect Tree, children get to learn about the beauty of the natural world and how they can be more conscious about the environment.

Every time I go out of the house, my eyes always search for the beautiful Narra tree standing by the Graciano Lopez Jaena Park. Every summer, the tree would bloom with its beautiful yellow flowers, serving as a canopy to students and joggers strolling by the park. And so, it got me thinking, do people know about the tree they just walked by? Or the importance of its shade whenever they lie down under its massive cover? While The Perfect Tree was inspired from the tales of Hans Christian Andersen, specifically the Nightingale, the idea of the Narra tree was half-inspired from this tree found at Jaro Plaza.

And so, we’d like to recommend this book to parents, teachers, and anyone who would like to see children learning about the environment.

The Perfect Tree by Glory Moralidad and Danielle Florendo

What’s a Narra tree?

The Narra tree is the national tree of the Philippines!

Narra Tree is scientifically called Pterocarpus indicus and is a tropical hardwood tree from Southeast Asia and Pacific areas – particularly, the Philippines. It is famous for its pretty golden yellow wood which appears valuable and is used in making furniture and other ornaments. It can reach a height of 33 meters and has a broad crown to offer shade to wildlife and other creatures.

What you need to know about the Narra tree

There are so many things to say about the Narra tree to your kids! If your child loves nature and the outdoors, learning about the Narra tree will definitely pique their curiosity.

Vibrant wood

The color of the Narra tree is surprisingly vivid which comes in shades of brownish yellow, blood red, and golden brown. The colors are the reason why it’s desirable in the creation of furniture, among other useful and ornamental products.

Natural medicine

The flowers, barks, and leaves of Narra trees are used as medicine for many centuries. It can cure fever, diarrhea, and skin diseases.

A haven for wildlife

Birds, insects, and small mammals find habitat and shelter in the Narra Tree. The large leaves provide protection while the flowers yield nectar on which bees and butterflies may feed on.

Resilient growth

The Narra Tree also has the advantage of growing relatively fast and is not too picky about the type of soil it will grow on. That means it will offer faster results for any reforestation projects seeking to restore a degraded territory.

Environmental benefits

In general, trees help in minimizing soil erosion, enhancing the quality of air, and in the fight against climate change by cutting on carbon dioxide levels. Narra trees also provide a closely knit and sturdy hedge and serves as wind barrier to protect the communities and farmlands from damaging powerful gusts which can destroy crops and topsoil. In other words, it provides another barrier against the elements of nature.

What’s great about the Narra, is that – it’s a native tree. Local wildlife always prefer native trees since they evolved alongside with them for eons. Native trees always foster ecosystem equilibrium among various native species, and protecting them from the fight with invasive species.

The Perfect Tree by Glory Moralidad and Danielle Florendo

A critically endangered tree

Narra tree is listed as one of the most endangered tree species because of the increasing cases of illegal logging, forest fires, and so on, making the tree a near-threatened tree species. The removal of these trees also causes a break in the environment and the life of people and animals that depend on the trees.

The Perfect Tree is a children’s book that helps ensure kids grow up to protect the environment

We believe that while parents read this book to their children, they will be in a position to ensure that their kids take responsibility for the trees or the environment from an early stage. It is not very difficult to make children conscious of the environment right from an early age and it should be done so. With The Perfect Tree, children get to learn about the beauty of the natural world and how they can be more conscious about the environment.

  • Pre-dominantly English with Hiligaynon translations
  • Vivid and colorful illustrations kids will enjoy!
  • Wonderfully set in the Philippines
  • Facts and tips about nature in the end
  • By an Iloilo-based author and Baguio-based artist

The Perfect Tree is a perfect way to teach younger children about environmental issues. It tells a story of a village’s desire to create the perfect tree, painting an image of how people destroy and care for the environment around them at the end.

Through this book, kids learn that environmental education is crucial to understand environmental issues and to gain the skills to protect and conserve the environment. Learning these lessons while young will allow children to grow up with environmental knowledge and develop into adults who are proactive in environmental stewardship and responsible for environmental issues.

How to save the trees

Let’s protect our environment – nature and wildlife – from getting harmed than it already is. Trees are important elements of our environment, providing oxygen, improving air quality, conserving water, and providing habitat for animals. So, let’s talk about real-life solutions on how are trees can be protected for generations to come.

Increase awareness

The first measure towards the conservation of trees is to provide awareness to people about its importance. Educate the public on the issue through social media platforms, group discussions, and educational programs to foster the sharing of information and ideas among the people.

Support reforestation projects

Take part in forestry activities that involve planting of native trees. Such programs are useful for the restoration of the damaged ecosystems, increasing of the green infrastructure, and for the occurrence of other beneficial effects.

Practice sustainable living

Sustainable activities should be adopted every day to minimize the damaging effects that we bring to the environment. Small things like saving water, avoiding as much trash as possible, and using environmentally friendly products might all make a considerable difference.

Advocate for policy reform

Engage with local and national government agencies on backing policies aimed at preserving our natural ecosystems and promoting sustainable land management. Promote the adoption of laws that conserve our forests and encourage the planting of native tree species.

Educate the young generation

Teach the children the importance of the environment and incorporate it as part of what they learn. Schedule nature walks, tree planting activities, or storytelling to help the child develop a lifetime appreciation for nature.

Support environmentally friendly goods

Buy products produced from sustainable raw materials, and encourage others to do the same. It also encourages companies to produce sustainable products.

Volunteer in conservation activities

Volunteer with local environmental organizations and participate in efforts like planting trees, policy reforms, and rescuing wildlife. Not only it’s beneficial, but it also offers the best learning experiences as well.

Create wildlife habitats

If you have a yard or any open space, then plant some trees that are indigenous to your region and provide shelter for wildlife. They can help support the increased growth of local biodiversity.

Reduce paper consumption

Minimize paper use in all possible ways and opt for digital solutions instead. When less paper is used, this means that less wood is needed and this in turn helps in the preservation of forests.

Celebrate Environmental Days

Support activities like Environment Month, Earth Day, and Arbor Day to spread the word and promote environmental stewardship. Use these opportunities to share knowledge and make large changes.

Tree, plants nature photo

Let’s celebrate Environment Month

Environment Month is here! It is high time to focus on how we can save our planet. If you’re looking for some ideas on where to start, here’s some ideas for you. These activities will help you maneuver through the month.

Nature trail and tree identification

Propose a nature trek where kids learn how to distinguish one tree from the other – especially between native and non-native species. Use informative flyers and encourage the participants to involve.

Tree planting event

Plant a tree event in your community! Make sure that participants are provided with seedlings, equipment, or instructions.

Competitions and film screenings

Promote an art contest where children use recycled items in their artworks. Present the pieces so that people can appreciate the creativity. And while we are at that, why not celebrate Environment Month with a little screen filming on shows and documentaries about the environment?

Storytelling session, games, art workshop

Organize a storytelling session, with fun games and art workshops in which children are to write or draw a story about the environment. It’s a good call to help pass the message of the importance of trees to the children!

Conservation lecture and workshop

Organize a lecture on the ways to protect the environment – including recycling, energy-saving products, and wildlife. Make sure that participants can recreate the scenarios at home or in their barangays! For example, how to make eco-bricks.

Community clean-up

Organize a community cleanup to assist in eradicating garbage in different natural environments such as parks, coastal regions, and forests among others. Educate the participants on the impact of pollution on the environment and animals.

Environmental pledge

Encourage people and families to make commitments in relation to what they will do for the environment. Remind the people who pledged to practice them diligently so that it will continue to remind people of their common goal.

Enriching the young with The Perfect Tree

Teaching children about the environment and the need to protect the earth should start when they’re young. This makes The Perfect Tree a great story for kids through which they can learn about environmental conservation and management. It helps children to become more aware of their surroundings and become more environmentally conscious through the love they develop for nature.

Besides, environmental education provides children with the necessary knowledge that will enable them to understand how their actions affect the environment. Learning about the environment at tender ages ensures that future generations armed themselves with knowledge for environmental stewardship for a lifetime.


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