Diño also gave updates on the changes in the application process. Firstly, there is no more cap on the income eligibility of DEAR ACTION! applicants.

Diño also gave updates on the changes in the application process. Firstly, there is no more cap on the income eligibility of DEAR ACTION! applicants.
Director Aresenio “Nick” Lizaso will be leading the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) as the Chairman, serving for the term 2020 – 2022.
Graphic design is a critical factor that leads to the success of small businesses. It’s vital to capture the consumer’s attention.
The Iloilo Dinagyang Arts Festival launched its maiden voyage with a showcase performance by one of the city’s top musicians, designers, and filmmakers.
Films entertain us with stories, relay voices from the past, influence opinions, and reflect culture – especially, the Iloilo cinema culture.
The 1st Iloilo Jazz Festival will feature the best of Iloilo’s jazz musicians on August 23, at the UPV Auditorium in time for Iloilo Charter Day.
Iloilo City was graced by the cello recital of 12-year-old prodigy, Damodar Das Castillo, who left the Ilonggos in awe on August 17 at the Nelly’s Garden.
Piano players’ brains are different. They need to use both sides of their brains so that they can use both hands to play the piano.
Berlin 1961 provides an important, detailed history of the origin of the Berlin Wall, providing information not previously available.
Getting a tattoo is a serious decision. It’s not a T-shirt you can just take off if you get bored with it. Consider every aspect before getting inked.