The new year is the perfect time for us to reflect on our lives and recognize areas in which we can make positive changes. One of the best ways to lead a healthier, happier life is by creating effective self-care practices. So why not kick off 2023 with a commitment to looking after your physical and mental well-being? From healthy eating habits and exercise to journaling and other relaxation activities, it’s never too late to start showing yourself some love – starting now!
Here are 20 self-care practices you need to do in 2023!

Self-care practices to do in the new year
With a fresh start comes the opportunity to create new healthy habits for ourselves. Self-care is an important part of maintaining our overall well-being, especially during times of transition. Whether entering a new decade or simply starting a new month, taking care of ourselves should always remain at the forefront of our attention.
To help kickstart your self-care practices this year, here are 20 tips for creating and sustaining healthy habits:
1. Listen to your body
It’s easy to get wrapped up in our heads regarding self-care. We often tell ourselves that we need to do something specific—whether taking a yoga class or meditating every day—to be successful in caring for our physical and emotional needs. However, you must take the time and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Don’t force yourself if you don’t feel like doing something specific. You know what will bring you comfort best, so listen to your body and follow its lead!
2. Set your pace
As much as we all want to achieve success as quickly as possible, that isn’t always realistic—especially when developing healthier habits. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your desired level of self-care will not be achieved overnight! It takes time and dedication, so make sure to set reasonable expectations for yourself and avoid burnout by taking breaks or delegating tasks whenever necessary.
3. Let go of negativities
Negative thinking can be draining mentally and physically, so we must learn to recognize these thoughts when they arise and then actively work on letting them go instead of dwelling on them throughout the day. Make sure that you take the time each day to practice positive affirmations such as “I am worthy” or “I am enough” rather than getting caught up in negative self-talk, which can lead us astray from our goals.
4. Revisit or find a new hobby to make you happy
Having something that brings us joy can provide us with an outlet for stress relief when needed, which is why finding something enjoyable can benefit our overall well-being! Consider participating in activities or hobbies such as painting, writing, or playing sports – anything that provides an escape from reality and creative fulfillment will do the trick. If revisiting an old hobby doesn’t sound appealing, why not try something new? Trying new things helps us grow outside our comfort zone while keeping life exciting!
5. Learn to rest
It may seem counterintuitive but permitting yourself—and taking time—to rest will result in higher productivity levels than pushing through exhaustion all the time! Our bodies need rest just like any machine would after running too long—so make sure that you take breaks, even if only for five minutes at a time throughout your days, to stay energized without feeling overwhelmed due to lack of sleep or rest periods throughout your week/month/year!

6. Learn to say no
Learning to say ‘no’ is essential in taking care of yourself. Knowing when you need time for yourself and understanding when you don’t have enough capacity can help ensure that you don’t overcommit or stretch yourself too thin. This doesn’t mean that you should put up walls, but it does mean that you should know your limits and respect them. When saying ‘no,’ be honest and direct but also considerate and respectful of other people’s feelings and boundaries.
Here’s a recommended read: Is It Burnout? Here’s What You Need to Do to Heal and Re-energize
7. Exercise regularly
A regular exercise routine has many benefits, including improved mood, increased energy levels, the better quality of sleep, and improved overall health. Exercise can also be incredibly calming – try out different exercises until you find something that works for you, such as yoga or Pilates, running or walking outdoors, or even picking up a new sport like tennis or basketball with friends! Working out doesn’t have to take up hours each day – even if it’s just 15 minutes three days a week, consistent physical activity will go a long way towards keeping your body and mind healthy.
8. Eat healthily
Maintaining a balanced diet is key in self-care. Eating nutritious meals can help keep your energy levels high throughout the day and improve your mood! Try stocking up on fruits and vegetables (including frozen options), whole grains such as quinoa or oats, lean proteins such as chicken or fish, nuts and seeds for added nutrients, low-fat dairy products like yogurt (or plant-based alternatives like almond milk), as well as some healthy fats from foods such as olive oil or avocados. This variety will ensure that all your nutritional needs are met!
9. Create relaxing rituals
Self-care isn’t only about what we eat or how often we exercise – it’s also about taking time away from everyday stresses and setting aside some dedicated moments to relax our minds and bodies without feeling guilty! This could include anything from reading a book before going to sleep at night to having a leisurely cup of tea while journaling in the morning. Find something that works for you and give it some time each day – after all, looking after ourselves mentally can be just as important as looking after ourselves physically!
10. Be kind to yourself
We all have flaws – there is no denying it. However, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t practice self-compassion rather than self-criticism whenever mistakes are made. It’s okay not to be perfect – remind yourself regularly that mistakes are part of learning. Learn from them rather than punishing yourself for making them! Changing negative thoughts into positive ones will help boost morale during tough times. Try writing down five things daily that make you smile or bring positive feelings into your life instead of focusing solely on the negatives!

11. Get creative with fun activities
One of the best ways to keep yourself entertained in 2023 is by getting creative with fun activities. Whether drawing, painting, playing an instrument, or anything else that sparks your interest, finding something that allows you to express yourself can be incredibly beneficial for your mental health. Not only does this practice help pass the time when you’re feeling bored or anxious, but it can serve as an outlet for stress and frustration.
12. Take time out for journaling
Self-reflection is an essential part of self-care, and journaling is a beautiful way to get started on this practice. Taking 15 minutes to write down your thoughts daily can help clear out any anxiety or stress from the day. Plus, you’ll have something tangible that can remind you of any accomplishments or positive moments throughout the year — no matter how big or small they may be!
13. Move your body more often
Exercise doesn’t just benefit physical health. It also has plenty of psychological benefits! Research suggests that aerobic exercise helps increase endorphins (the “feel good” hormones), improving overall mood and reducing stress levels. Plus, being active regularly keeps your mind and body healthy — so schedule some extra fitness sessions this year!
14. Appreciate your own company
With all of us spending more time indoors due to current events, appreciating solitude will become increasingly important in 2023 — especially if you live alone or don’t see other people very often during lockdown periods. Treat yourself kindly by setting aside special “me time” each week where you focus on doing things you enjoy without worrying about what anyone else thinks — even if it means going outside for a walk or cooking dinner without interruption!
15. Try downsizing for once
This will be especially helpful if money is tight this year due to current economic events — but even if not, downsizing certain aspects of life can still bring clarity and peace into many areas and save costs long term! You could try cutting back on unnecessary spendings, such as takeaway food orders or expensive hobbies/activities. Alternatively, consider decluttering items around your home that no longer have a purpose (such as old clothes) to simplify spaces, so there’s more room for clarity and creativity!

16. Disconnecting from Social Media
Social media has become an integral part of our lives and can also be a source of stress. Taking a break from scrolling through Instagram or Twitter can help reduce anxiety and give you more time to focus on activities that bring you joy. Whether you take one day a week off social media or limit your daily usage, give yourself permission to log out and spend time doing something else.
17. Stop procrastinating
Procrastination can lead to extra stress when trying to get things done at the last minute. This year, set yourself up for success by creating realistic deadlines and breaking down tasks into manageable chunks. Knowing what needs to be done ahead of time will reduce the overwhelm that comes when procrastinating and allow you to move forward with confidence.
18. Let go of toxic people
Surrounding yourself with people who support your growth and lift you instead of bringing you down is essential. Take some time this year to reflect on who is truly worth keeping in your life – letting go of unhealthy relationships can help create space for new ones that are more beneficial for your well-being in the long run.
Recommended read: Live Stress-free! Why and How to Ditch Toxic Friends
19. Learn to breathe more or do meditation
Stress affects us all differently, but taking deep breaths or tuning into mindfulness exercises can help us stay grounded amidst chaos or uncertainty. Mindfulness techniques like meditation or tai chi can help us find balance even when dealing with pressure or challenging emotions – something many of us could benefit from doing in 2023!
I wrote articles about it here:
- Benefits of Meditation: Find Your Inner Peace
- How Mindfulness Can Help You to Become More Successful
- 5 Ways on How to Become More Self-aware
20. Practice expressing gratitude every day
Appreciating what we have in life helps foster feelings of contentment and joy – two things we could all use right now. Start each morning by writing down three things that come easily to mind, such as friends, family members, health, or material possessions – whatever makes you feel good inside! You’ll soon start seeing how much abundance already exists in your life, which will boost overall well-being!
The New Year is the perfect time to make positive changes in our lives, and developing self-care practices is essential. Self-care doesn’t necessarily have to be about indulging in spa treatments or buying expensive products for yourself. Instead, simple practices can help us reconnect with ourselves and be kinder to our minds and bodies.

What are some self-care rituals you’ve used in the past that have worked well for you?
Self-care rituals are essential for helping us to stay healthy and balanced when life becomes particularly challenging. In the past, I have found that regular meditation practices provided me with the tools I need to keep my mind and body balanced. Additionally, I have taken up the habit of journaling my thoughts and feelings several times a week. This has helped me to process difficult emotions healthily.
Finally, when I’m feeling overwhelmed or out of balance, one of my favorite self-care practices is to take a long walk. Being surrounded by fresh air and natural beauty quickly helps me reconnect with myself and find peace.
Do you think it’s important to set aside time for yourself each day to practice self-care?
Taking time each day for self-care is essential for leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Utilizing brief moments throughout one’s day to practice self-care can positively impact overall well-being. Allocating small chunks of time to engage in activities that make us feel better, such as taking a long walk, reading a book, or meditating, can help decrease stress levels and provide us with much-needed energy to face the day.
By making these moments of self-care part of our daily routine, we are more likely to look after ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Although it is not always easy due to competing demands on our time, creating even brief rituals of personal care and maintenance will ultimately bring rewards.
What can you do to ensure that your self-care routine is specific to your needs?
To ensure that your self-care practices are specific to your needs, it’s important to take some time to think about what you need most. Consider the areas of your life which may be causing stress or anxiety. This should help you identify the areas which could benefit from additional emphasis in your self-care practices. From there, explore activities that can bring greater balance and well-being into those areas of your life.
How do you feel when you take the time to focus on taking care of yourself?
Taking time to care for oneself is an important yet often overlooked part of a healthy lifestyle. It can bring about a feeling of increased well-being, satisfaction, and even contentment. It cannot be accessible when faced with the challenge of carving out time for ourselves. But, this commitment will be rewarded as we foster a sense of self-care and gain a greater appreciation for our objectives.
Furthermore, investing time in ourselves allows us to overcome life’s obstacles with greater strength and patience. Thus, devoting attention to one’s needs should never be disregarded but instead celebrated as an integral step toward physical, social, and mental health.
What obstacles do you find that get in the way of implementing regular self-care practices?
The biggest obstacle to implementing regular self-care practices is often TIME CONSTRAINTS. It can be difficult to carve out the necessary time in an already packed schedule. However, it is important to prioritize intentional rest. Other challenges include resistance from the environment or culture around us, feeling overwhelmed with too many choices of activities, getting caught up in negative thoughts, or comparing our practices to others.
Complacency from feeling like we are “doing enough” even if we are not genuinely recharging is also one. Creating a habit of regularly taking care of ourselves requires willpower, but hard work and dedication can become part of our daily lives.