It’s almost time for your New Year’s resolution, but they rarely stick around, no matter how well we plan. Making lasting changes this year can be tough. That’s why helpful habit-forming strategies are essential. One way to create good habits is to break down the main goal into smaller steps that are easier to manage and accomplish. What do you think?
Setting short-term goals can be a great way to stay motivated throughout the whole process and even eliminate the potential pressure that could come with trying to make too drastic of a change right away. Reminders and rewards are also very effective in helping you track your progress. They serve as tangible markers for growth and recognition for all the hard work put in along the way. With proper planning and a few easy tricks, make 2023 your year!
How to keep your New Year’s resolution – “S” for plural
The beginning of a new year can often bring a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. The possibilities for making a positive change in 2023 seem limitless. That’s whether you’re hoping to make a lifestyle change, start a new hobby, or launch a business. However, the challenge lies in turning these aspirations into achievable goals and maintaining the focus and motivation to see them through.
Resolving is easy, but, as you know, keeping it is much harder. How do we keep our resolutions and make sure that we stay on track to reach our goals? Here are ten helpful tips to keep your New Year’s resolutions.
List the things you want to achieve
The first step to keeping your New Year’s resolution is to list your goals. Write your resolutions in a diary, on a post-it note, or a whiteboard. This will help you define your goals clearly and remind you what you need to do.
Know your strengths and weaknesses
Take the time to understand yourself better and identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to make actionable plans tailored specifically to your needs. This will help you to get the most out of your efforts.
Make SMART and actionable goals
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. You mustn’t simply set arbitrary goals; instead, make sure they are SMART. This way, it is easier for you to recognize success when it comes!
Focus on one goal at a time
Don’t tackle too many goals at once. Instead, give each goal its attention and devote time each day towards reaching it. If appropriate, consider ‘habit stacking,’ where multiple habits can be combined into one larger habit, facilitating an easier transition from one task to another while still working towards progress.
Know how to track your goals
Knowing how to track your goals is essential for keeping your resolutions. This could include keeping a journal of your progress, setting daily reminders, or even having a support group to keep you accountable. Come up with ways of tracking progress so that it is clear how far along you are in reaching your goals.
Have a vision board to keep you motivated
Developing creative ways of keeping yourself motivated will also help keep you on track with achieving goals – whether big or small! So, what are vision boards? Vision boards are physical representations of your goals and can remind you why you are striving to achieve them.
Vision boards with inspiring images remind us of what we wish to achieve. Setting both short-term and long-term intentions reminds us of our ambitions even when momentum falls flat or complacency sets in during times of difficulty or doubt.
Break it into monthly challenges
Breaking down larger goals into smaller tasks serves multiple purposes, including allowing us more flexibility in terms of managing our personal lives while still being able to work towards our desired outcomes; this could be done either through monthly mini-challenges or 6-month challenges even if the result looks like a much longer timeline than initially anticipated.
Learn from mistakes you made and adapt
We all make mistakes, and that’s ok. Sometimes mistakes happen along the way. However, something positive can always be taken from these experiences. Use whatever learning opportunities arise from mistakes made previously as fuel for improvement moving forward – no situation is ever wasted! Learn from the mistakes you make and adapt. This will help you stay on track and ensure you don’t fall off the wagon.
Make regular audits of what you have accomplished
Making regular audits of successes achieved so far is just as equally important as making assessments of areas needing improvement. Recognize all accomplishments from big ones, such as reaching your desired weight loss target, down even smaller ones, such as sticking to a daily morning routine. Celebrate the small wins and use them to keep you going.
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Learn to be grateful
Being grateful for what you have achieved can help you to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Learn to appreciate the process and the journey, and you will be more likely to keep your resolutions.
If you don’t feel your New Year’s resolution is working, why not try again in 2023? It can be hard to make lasting changes, but 2023 might be the year for you! Why don’t you change until next year when you could do it today? Sometimes it takes a few tries to get something right – don’t give up on your New Year’s resolutions just yet!