Best Ways To Like Yourself More This Summer

It’s important to remember that self-love is more than simply feeling good. It involves accepting ourselves at our core, flaws and all.

This summer is the perfect time to work towards loving and appreciating yourself more. A great starting point is to establish a daily self-care routine. Dedicate time each day to activities that make you feel relaxed or uplifted – for some. It could be meditating. For others, perhaps going for a walk or playing an instrument.

It can also be helpful to take note of moments when you’re feeling proud of yourself and challenging negative beliefs about yourself. Write them down in your journal and return to these musings whenever lightness fades from your mood. Loving yourself can also involve spending time with friends, giving compliments, and looking for moments of joy throughout the day.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that self-love is more than simply feeling good – it involves honoring who we are and accepting ourselves at our core, flaws and all.

Appreciate your body

Body-conscious? This summer, take time to appreciate the body you’re in—even if it’s not your ideal. Spend time exercising outdoors and enjoying physical activities that make you feel good. Celebrate the strength of your body, and remember that it has the power to do amazing things.

Enjoy nature

Summer is the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and appreciates nature. Go for a hike, join a birdwatching club, or dip in a lake. Remind yourself of how small you are compared to the world around you and how much beauty exists beyond yourself and your current circumstances.

Practice self-care

Take care of yourself this summer by doing things that make you happy and leaving behind anything that doesn’t bring joy. Reduce stress levels by taking regular breaks from work or school, practicing yoga or meditation, journaling, etc., so that you can focus on being present with yourself without worrying about all else that’s going on around you.


Volunteering is one of the most rewarding ways to give back during summertime—and it also helps boost your self-esteem! Look up volunteer opportunities near you to make a difference in someone else’s life while impacting your community.

Set goals

Setting goals is an excellent way to stay motivated throughout the summertime. Choose goals that are meaningful to you—whether related to career, education, fitness, or emotional health—and create an action plan for achieving them throughout the months.

Spend time with friends

Good friendships are life’s greatest treasures! Spend quality time with close friends this summer. Whether it’s getting together for picnics in the park or having weekly game nights at home—so that you have support when facing any challenges that come your way while feeling connected with those who matter most in your life.

Read more:

Do something creative

Creative activities like painting, writing, baking/cooking, gardening, etc., provide an outlet for expressing ourselves and connecting with our true selves – ultimately leading to increased self-love! So pick up a new hobby or re-explore an old one this summer and see where it takes you.

Pamper yourself

Summertime is made for relaxation — so don’t forget to treat yourself! Whether booking a massage, indulging in spa days, buying makeup kits, etc., spoil yourself occasionally. Because sometimes we need a little extra pampering after months of hard work. After all, what better way is there to say “ I appreciate me ” than by taking care of oneself?

Focus on gratitude

Instead of focusing on what we don’t have, practice thankfulness during these sunny months by writing down three things each day that we can be grateful for — no matter how big or small they may seem. When we shift our mindset from lack to abundance, we see everything differently — including ourselves!

Celebrate wins

It’s easy to get caught up thinking about everything that has not been accomplished yet, but let’s not forget to celebrate our successes! So when achievements arise this season, no matter how big or small, take some time out for celebration to recognize all efforts made thus far and acknowledge personal growth.

Read more: How to Celebrate Small Wins


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