Best-selling book, “Let’s Cook with Nora” gets update from daughter

It was her cookbook, “Let’s Cook with Nora,” known as the “bible for Filipino cooks,” that inspired home chefs to be the best cooks they are today.
Let’s Cook with Nora

You’ve probably heard of Mario Batali, Guy Savoy, or Julia Child – heck, even Gordon Ramsay – notable chefs and food experts in the industry. But, home cooks from the ‘60s and even millennials will remember Nora Daza, the iconic chef who inspired Filipinos with her recipes.

It was her cookbook, “Let’s Cook with Nora,” known as the “bible for Filipino cooks,” that inspired home chefs to be the best cooks they are today. Daughter Nina Daza – Puyat re-launch the bestselling cookbook and a treasury of classic dishes for Filipino families. The book has now been updated with new and more modern recipes to attract the taste of today’s generation.

In Nina’s foreword, she mentioned that the world of food has changed dramatically. “Globalization, as well as more local and international travel has opened our palates to a wider range of ingredients coming from all corners of the world,” she wrote.

“Procedures were rewritten for clarity and a few new ingredients were added in some recipes to give the dishes a fresh and contemporary flavor,” she continued.

Nina made sure to retest and rewrite all 260 in exact precision the recipe her mother handed to the Philippines.

The book brought in nostalgic moments for individuals who have a copy of the old edition. Shey Velasquez of Brand Hive told Vos+Creo, “[It’s] our family’s go-to recipe book. I have one bought in 1981 an heirloom recipe book from my Aunt!”

What’s great about the cookbook, home chefs said, that it’s easy to understand and that all cooks of various skill levels can learn from it.

From dilis crisps and sopa de mariscos to gambas and glazed spareribs, one can find recipes from appetizers to desserts listed meticulously.

Let’s Cook with Nora

About Let’s Cook with Nora

Let’s Cook with Nora was first published in 1965 by Anvil Publishing and re-published in 2019. The famous cookbook costs only P695 found in major bookstores nationwide.

The magic of Nora Daza wasn’t just in recipes and tips. It was her ability to inspire confidence in her reader, whether he be a young boy, months removed from blowing up the oven, or a chef creating recipes for a cooking show. Nina continues that tradition with this new edition through clearer instructions and updated ingredients. It is the ultimate book for any Filipino who cooks.

Sharwin Tee, Chef, and author of So, You Want to be A Chef?

The book launch coincided with the 2nd Ilonggo Night Market and Street Food Hawkers Festival organized by Chef Tibong Jardaleza.


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