8 Ways to Improve Your Gas Mileage – What you need to know

Improving your MPGs can bring huge benefits. If you want to stretch your gas economy, here are easy tips to improve your gas mileage.
man refiling vehicle oil for gas mileage

Given that gas rates continue to rise, it’s important to keep in mind of your gas mileage. By instilling proper driving (or retaining) practices, you can decrease the number of trips you need to go to the gas station. That way, you get to save more money by the end of the day.

Improving your MPGs can bring huge benefits. If you want to stretch your gas economy, here are easy tips to improve your gas mileage. 

Drive within speed limits

Driving slower can have its benefits. You get to burn gas less efficiently and keep getting out of costly speeding tickets. States vary at which speeding laws vehicle owners have to follow. While cars run at different speeds, you can never go wrong driving about 60 miles per hour.

Check tire pressure

Under-inflated or over-inflated tires will speed up the wear and tear on your treads while negatively impact your fuel consumption. Rolling resistance is an expensive matter on the road. Use a tire pressure gauge to make adjustments accordingly.

Clean or replace your air filter

Cleaning your air filter from grime and gunk is a simple way of improving your gas mileage in the long run. If it gets too dirty, you’ll clog the injectors and engine of proper airflow. Change your filters every 12,000 or less as dirt particles can lead to lousy engine performance and fuel economy.

Take off the weight out of your car

The extra weight puts off the balance from your vehicle and upsets your fuel economy. That’s because it pressures the tires from its good grip. Also, the added weight makes your engine work harder to move – which means, using extra fuel.

Inspect your gas cap seal

Your gas sealer will wear over time and allow more oxygen inside, thus burning your fuel faster when the engine rolls. You can inspect your gas cap sealer every few years. Inspect if there are any leaks in your car that pressures the engine to burn faster.

Use the recommended oil or quality gas

Not all motor oil will work in your car. Your engine is designed to work on a specific type. If you use cheap or heavyweight oil than recommended, it’ll put off your engine’s sensors or injectors. It can even cause too much friction and causes the engine to burn more gas.

Oversee your driving habits

Do you speed up too quickly or hit the brakes too hard? Your driving routines might ruin your fuel economy. In addition, idling your car is also a bad idea of using up your gas. Stationary vehicles use more fuel and energy from the motors.

Tune your vehicle

Have a mechanic tune your unbalanced engine to increase gas mileage up to 30 percent or more. Faulty injectors or sensors can add more pressure and burn more fuel if left unchecked.

Always take your vehicle for regular maintenance at the auto shop. This can save you a great deal of money from using a worn-out car. To improve your gas mileage, heed these tips, and cut back your gas expenses.


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