Iloilo City Emergency Hotlines (UPDATED)

⚠️☎️ These Iloilo City emergency hotlines are available to citizens in times of distress. Emergency responders are always on duty.

These Iloilo City emergency hotlines are available to citizens in times of distress. Emergency responders are always on duty – ready for contact. Residents can also call the Philippine National Police VI for crime-related incidents. They can dial 0999 995 5072 for general inquiries. For the Iloilo City Police Office assistance, dial (033) 337 0400 and 0908 377 0194.

In addition, Iloilo City possesses an Emergency Hotline number specifically dedicated to addressing concerns related to each field. These hotline numbers like for ICER at 0919 066 1554 are available round the clock with certified medicos on call all days of the week.

We recommend you to keep these hotlines handy for emergencies or any medical or non-medical crisis that may arise within the city.

Table of Iloilo City Emergency Hotlines

Arevalo(033) 336-5674
Bo. Obrero(033) 335-1965 / 320-3980
Bureau of Fire Protection  and Iloilo City Fire Station(033) 337-3011
(033) 337-4989
Federation Iloilo Fire Brigade Incorporated(033) 337-9760
ICAG(033) 337-5931
Alta Tierra Station
San Isidro Station Tagbak Terminal Station
(033) 329-5700 / 320-3983
(033) 323-5139
(033) 337-3011 / 16000 / 911 (033) 337-3011 / 117
La Paz(033) 320-7790 / 323-4022
Mandurriao(033) 321-0779 / 321-1997
Molo(033) 320-3932
Ungka II Pavia Station and nearby Iloilo City barangays(033) 329-3306 / 09106181660
Iloilo City Police Office(033) 337-0400
Arevalo(033) 501-5526
City Proper(033) 323-5717
Jaro(033) 329-7958
La Paz(033) 329-0904
Mandurriao(033) 333-2734
Molo(033) 501-2674
(033) 337-9502
Iloilo City Emergency Responders CDRRMO (ICER)(033) 333-1333
(033) 323-4973
(033) 335-1554
(033) 333-2333
0919-066-1554 0955-986-7404
Bureau of Fire Protection(033) 337-3011 / 16000 / 911 / 117
Red Cross Iloilo(033) 337-5950 / 503-8393 09561901866 / 09171666043 / 09773341619
PSTMO Public Safety(033) 333 1111 loc. 503 (033)-337 7317
TMTRO Traffic(033) 333 1111 loc. 504 (033) 336-4871
Phoenix Emergency Medical Response Team09513353342 / 09171228691
Iloilo Doctor’s Hospital (033) 337-7702 to 09
(033) 337-5763
(033) 337-8646
Iloilo Mission Hospital (033) 320-0315 to 19
Medicus Medical Center (033) 328-7777
Metro Iloilo Hospital (033) 327-1527 / 327-2030
Qualimed Hospital (033) 501-4843 / 500-4000
Saint Paul’s Hospital(033) 337-27-42 to 49
(033) 336-02-07
The Medical City(033) 500-1000
WVSUMC (Don Benito) (033) 320-2431
WVMC (Provincial Hospital)(033) 321 2841 to 50

Infographics of Iloilo City Emergency Hotlines

Infographics containing essential emergency hotlines are now available for your convenience. With up-to-date numbers and direct contact details for the necessary authorities, you can rest assured knowing these helpful tools are at your fingertips. Each infographic contains detailed information about the responders in case of a medical emergency, police emergency reports, fire services, and other important contacts.

Iloilo City Emergency Hotlines I Glory Moralidad I Iloilo Blogger

What to do when crime happens

Crime happens. Fortunately, we can take to be prepared and respond appropriately if a crime occurs in our barangays. We hope that by educating ourselves about the risks and discussing what actions can be taken if needed, we become better equipped for responding with confidence when the unexpected does happen.

Stay calm

If you find yourself in a situation where a crime is taking place, it is important to stay calm. This can be difficult, but it is important to remember that panicking will not help the situation. If you are able to stay calm, you will be better able to think clearly and make decisions that can help keep you safe.

Call the police

If you witness a crime, the best thing you can do is to call the police. They will be able to respond quickly and take appropriate action. If you are in danger, do not hesitate to call for help using the numbers above.

Get to a safe place

If you are in an area where a crime is taking place, it is important to get to a safe place as soon as possible. This may mean leaving the area or finding a safe place to hide. If you are unsure of what to do, it is always best to err on the side of caution and get yourself to safety.

Do not try to stop the crime

It is important to remember that you should never try to stop a crime from taking place. This can be extremely dangerous and could put your own safety at risk. Let the professionals handle it and focus on keeping yourself safe.

Do not approach the criminals

Another thing to remember is that you should never approach the criminals involved in a crime. This could again put your safety at risk and should be left to the police.

Be a good witness

If you do find yourself in a situation where you witness a crime, it is important to be a good witness. This means paying attention to as many details as possible so that you can give an accurate description to the police. Try to remember things like what the criminals looked like, what they were wearing, and anything else that could be helpful in identifying them.

Get help if needed

If you witness a crime and are feeling shaken up or traumatized by it, it is important to get help from a professional if needed. Talk to your doctor or a mental health professional about what you’re going through and they can help you get the support you need.

We’ll have a separate article regarding crime-related incidents and safety tips!

man pushing a stretcher
Illustrative I Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

What to do when a medical emergency arises

When a medical emergency arises, it is essential to act quickly and decisively to ensure the best outcome for those affected. Accidents or sudden illnesses can occur without warning, so you must be informed about your options when facing such an event.

Knowing what steps should be taken could ultimately save someone’s life. As daunting as this may sound, preparation beforehand can help alleviate the uncertainty surrounding these situations and allow you to respond confidently and effectively in an emergency.

Call medical hotlines

If you or someone else is experiencing a medical emergency, you should first call the city’s many medical hotlines. This is the best thing to do in any medical emergency. The operator can assess the situation and dispatch the appropriate medical personnel.

Stay calm

It can be difficult to stay calm during a medical emergency, but it is important to try to do so. This will help you to think more clearly and make better decisions.

Do not move the person

If the person is injured, it is important not to move them unless it is necessary. Moving an injured person can sometimes make their injuries worse.

Check for bleeding

If the person is bleeding, it is important to try to stop it by applying pressure to the wound. Do not remove the object if the person has been stabbed or punctured.

Check for breathing

Call medical hotlines immediately. If the person is not breathing, it is important to begin CPR immediately. They can advise you if you’re on the phone with an emergency responder. If there is a pulse, but the person is not breathing, you must perform rescue breathing.

Do not give the person anything to eat or drink

It is important not to give the person anything to eat or drink, even if they ask for it. This could make their condition worse.

Wait for help

Once you have called medical hotlines and taken all of the necessary steps, it is important to wait for help to arrive or do as advised.

accident action adult blaze
Photo on

What to do in an emergency

Emergencies can be scary, uncertain, and overwhelming. It’s important to know what steps to take when an emergency strikes to stay calm and safe. Whether it’s a natural disaster like an earthquake, severe weather event, or a medical emergency involving you or someone else, having the right plan can help protect you and your family during times of urgent need. Here are the basics of creating an emergency plan and tips on how to react if you encounter such a situation.

What to do if a fire starts

No one wants to confront a situation where a fire starts, but it’s important to be prepared in case the unthinkable does happen. As terrifying as it may seem, there are things you can do to ensure your safety and hopefully help extinguish or contain the fire. When it comes to dealing with fires, you must understand the right steps to take to minimize the damage and stay safe. With this in mind, here are seven basic things you should do if you ever find yourself amid a fire:

Stay calm and call emergency hotlines.

Stay calm and call the emergency hotline. Inform them of the size and location of the fire. If the fire is small and contained, try extinguishing it. Turn off any sources of fuel or oxygen to help contain the fire if it is small enough to be extinguished using a fire extinguisher or other means available on-site.

If the fire is large and out of control, evacuate the area immediately.

Put safety first by getting yourself and others away from the fire as quickly as possible. Do not use elevators in a building, as they can become trapped due to fire or smoke damage. Instead, take the stairs and leave via an exit closest to your location.

If trapped –

If you find yourself surrounded by smoke, stay low and cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth or towel to avoid inhaling hazardous fumes, which could significantly damage your health.

Once you are safely away from the fire, alert others in the area.

Alert other individuals who may be nearby so they can take action if necessary. Every second counts regarding preventing further destruction caused by flames spreading rapidly through combustible materials such as furniture or curtains.

Wait for firefighters to arrive before attempting to do anything else.

Follow instructions given by firefighters upon arrival. Their expert advice should always be taken seriously due to their extensive training in handling these situations safely and effectively for everyone’s benefit. While waiting for help from firefighters, attempt to put out any small fires for you to handle safely.

Drop and roll!

If your clothes catch on fire, stop, drop, and roll to extinguish the flames.

Seek medical attention

Seek medical attention after evacuating an area if anyone has been exposed to smoke inhalation, suffered burns, or was injured while trying to put out fires before professional assistance arrived.

close up photo of coconut tree
Photo by Suparerg Suksai on

What to do during typhoons

Typhoons are a regular occurrence in the Philippines and can cause significant disruption to life. Whether you live in an area that regularly experiences tropical storms or your travels take you into this unpredictable weather, it’s important to plan what to do during typhoons.

Prepare an emergency kit

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for a typhoon is to assemble an emergency kit. Your emergency kit should include non-perishable food, water, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, and batteries. It is also a good idea to have cash on hand in case of power outages.

Stay informed

Another important thing you can do to prepare for a typhoon is to stay informed. Monitor local news and weather reports staying up-to-date on the latest information about the typhoon. You can also sign up for alerts from PAGASA or your local government.

Make a plan

Once you have assembled your emergency kit and stayed informed about the typhoon, you should plan what you will do during the storm. If you live in an area prone to flooding, ensure you can evacuate your home safely. If you live in a high-rise building, ensure you understand the safest way to reach the ground level.

Take shelter

During a typhoon, taking shelter in a safe place is essential. If you are indoors, stay away from windows and doors. If you are outdoors, find a sturdy structure that will protect you from the wind and rain. Avoid areas that are prone to flooding or landslides.

Stay calm

It is essential to stay calm during a typhoon. Panicking will only make the situation worse. If you remain calm, you will be better able to think clearly and make decisions that could help keep yourself and others safe

orange and white traffic pole on cracked gray asphalt road
Photo by Wilson Malone on

What to do during earthquakes

Earthquakes are often unpredictable and frightening experiences, with ground shaking that can sometimes last for several seconds or more. In the Philippines, earthquakes frequently occur, so it’s important to know what to do before, during, and after one hits. By educating yourself on the best safety practices during an earthquake, you can protect yourself and your family should disaster strike.

Drop, cover, and hold!

If you are indoors when an earthquake strikes, the most important thing you can do is to drop down onto your hands and knees, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on until the shaking stops. This “Drop, Cover, and Hold” technique has been proven to reduce injuries caused by falling objects during an earthquake.

Stay away from windows and heavy furniture.

Do not run outside during an earthquake, as it could be even more dangerous due to falling bricks or other debris. Instead, avoid windows and heavy furniture that may topple over during shaking.

Know your environment.

Is it safe inside? Will rushing outside be safer because it has more space? Know your environment. Check whether it’s safer to go outside (where there will be no other debris to hit you) or to stay inside during an earthquake rather than running outside into unknown danger (such as downed power lines or broken gas mains) that could cause further damage or harm you in some way.

Listen for warning sirens and signs of aftershocks.

After the initial shock of an earthquake passes, it is not always safe immediately afterward due to aftershocks which can cause further damage. So always listen for warning sirens or obvious signs of additional tremors before assuming everything is safe again following a quake.

Be aware of gas leaks if present in your area.

In some cases, earthquakes may cause rupturing of gas lines resulting in potentially hazardous conditions around buildings, so be sure to check any appliances near where you are taking shelter in case there is any indication of a gas leak before returning indoors after a quake subsides completely.

Check for structural damage once it’s safe enough to return inside.

Once you have determined that it is safe enough to head back indoors after an earthquake passes, be sure to check for any structural damage that may have occurred during shaking by looking closely at ceilings, walls, doors, windows, etc., for any cracks or other indications of damage that need clearance, repairs, or stowed before going back indoors again.

Stay tuned for updates, as this blogpost will be refreshed when new information arises. Keeping up to date, we’ll keep you informed of all the latest details, so you don’t miss a beat. Whenever any new news is made available, an updated version of this blogpost will be created and posted right here. So make sure to come back for updated information about whatever is going on.


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