What’s the Right Way to Helping Someone Depressed

When depressed people want to talk, they need someone to listen. Let them say all they want to say and never interrupt them.

Some depressed people feel guilty for their inability to do things. Don’t criticize them for their guilt and feelings.

When you care about someone deeply, you will want to help them in their time of need. A person who suffers from depression may find it difficult to get up from bed and carry on with their life.

Depression isn’t just the feeling of being sad all the time, but a condition that makes a person withdraw from society and lose interest in almost all activities they once enjoyed.

This mental illness is often misunderstood because many people think it’s just “being sad,” or thinking negative things all the time. It is so much more than that – it’s an illness that affects your brain and changes the way you think and feel.

Is there any way you can help them?

Therefore, if you know someone who is dealing with depression, read on to know how you can help them:

Be a good listener

When depressed people want to talk, they need someone to listen. Let them say all they want to say and never interrupt them. If you interrupt them midway, you’re not giving them a chance to open up.

A depressed person needs someone who will listen to them without interruption and judgment. You may have something to say, but let them finish talking first.

If possible, try to meet the person where they are at. If they want to talk on the phone, meet them halfway and talk by phone. You can also invite them to go for a walk while they talk.

Depression can make us feel isolated and alone. Talking to someone who is interested in listening can make a big difference.

Don’t judge or criticize

When a person suffering from depression feels criticized, they will only withdraw more into themselves. There are times when you might feel that you should get frustrated with the person but don’t.

Let them be, and don’t criticize them for the things they do. Some depressed people feel guilty for their inability to do things. Don’t criticize them for their guilt and feelings.

However, there are times when you may have to criticize someone. You just have to do it in a non-judgmental way. Say, for example, your partner is late for work. You can criticize them for being late, but don’t criticize them for being depressed.

If you criticize them for being depressed, you are hitting two birds with one stone. You are criticizing them and making them feel guilty at the same time.

Help with chores and responsibilities

List down the chores and responsibilities that the depressed person can do. If the person is employed, help them manage their time and make sure they are not going over their work hours. Now, if they are a student, help them manage their time so they can attend their classes and complete their assignments.

Also, if the person has kids, assist them in taking care of their kids as they will have a lot on their plate. You can also help them with their grocery shopping or any other errands they may have.

Doing these things will take a little bit of pressure off the depressed person. They may not be able to do certain things, but small chores and responsibilities will help them feel needed and wanted.

Encourage (don’t force) to join support groups

When you notice that a person is depressed, the next step you can take is to encourage them to join a support group. Support groups are a great way for people to know that they are not alone in their struggles.

There are support groups for just about everything, from parenting to finances. You can look for support groups in your area and suggest that your loved one attends a meeting.

People who attend support groups often report that they feel less lonely and less depressed after going to the meeting. Because your loved one will be sharing their experience with others who are going through the same thing, attending the meeting is likely to make them feel less depressed and more hopeful.

Offer to accompany for workouts or activities

If a person is willing to go to the gym or attend yoga classes, encourage them to go. However, if they are not willing to go, don’t push them. Depression isn’t something you can get over if you want to.

It’s a mental illness that requires treatment. If you want to help your loved one get better, you can accompany them to certain activities.

You can accompany your loved one to yoga or meditation classes. These activities are proven to help people deal with depression and reduce their levels of anxiety. If your loved one is willing to go to a gym, you can accompany them as well. The company will help them feel less lonely.


If you notice that a friend or family member is struggling, it is important to let them know you are there for them. Be patient and persistent. Be a good listener and don’t criticize or judge them. Help them with their daily responsibilities and encourage them to seek professional help.

When you are the one suffering from depression, it is easy to feel alone and hopeless. Having someone with you, who can remind you that they are there for you, can make a big difference. You don’t have to go through this alone. Let someone help you and you can help others who are going through the same thing.


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