The Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) has released more than P4.5 million from its reallocated funds through the Disaster/Emergency Assistance and Relief (DEAR) Program, providing financial support to freelance audio-visual (AV) content workers impacted by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis.
As of April 6, 2020, more than 600 displaced freelance AV content industry members received the one-time tax-free DEAR financial support. Film and television workers covered by the DEAR ACTION! Program received P8,000 each and entertainment press members under the DEAR PRESS! Program were given P5,000 each.
FDCP Chairperson and CEO Liza Diño shared the good news of the ongoing disbursement of the DEAR financial assistance for the most vulnerable freelance AV content workers. “Ang DEAR Program ay tulong ng gobyerno para sa ating workers upang maibsan man lang ang hirap na pinagdadaanan nila. In this time of global crisis, it’s important to be one with the industry and help our own.
Every gesture counts,” she said. “Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this initiative. Let us keep spreading the word out there as we are still accepting applications for our freelance workers who lost work during the COVID-19 pandemic. FDCP is here to help. Please do not hesitate to send your inquiries through our text hotline and e-mail. Our DEAR Agents are ready.”
Diño also gave updates on the changes in the application process. Firstly, there is no more cap on the income eligibility of DEAR ACTION! applicants. All eligible AV content workers can apply but FDCP reserves the right to prioritize low-income individuals who have a talent fee of P3,000 or below per day or a package rate of P20,000 or below per project.
Secondly, the required number of suspended or cancelled work days was reduced from seven days to five (5) days—whether in pre-production, production, or post-production. Thirdly, AV companies such as productions and suppliers can now apply for DEAR ACTION! on behalf of freelancers whom they have engagements with.
The FDCP DEAR Program was launched on March 23 to help freelance AV content workers who suddenly lost work or became out of work because of a major natural disaster or public health emergency such as the COVID-19 crisis. The DEAR fund is only activated once the President of the Republic of the Philippines declares a state of calamity.
In light of the COVID-19 situation, FDCP aims to assist 2,500 freelance AV content workers with a budget of P20 million coming from its limited funds. The release of the DEAR ACTION! and DEAR PRESS! financial aid began on March 27.
Eventually, FDCP hopes to help 50,000 disaster-affected AV freelancers from the content and live performance sectors across different fields: animation, new media, television, and film. The national film agency continues to seek additional support from the Office of the President and the upper and lower houses of Congress.
The FDCP DEAR (Disaster Emergency Assistance and Relief) Program is a quick response fund of the Film Development Council of the Philippines that provides financial assistance to its stakeholders who are directly affected by a major natural disaster or public health emergency like the COVID-19 Pandemic. This disaster-triggered funding mechanism is activated every time the President of the Philippines declares a public emergency or the State of Calamity in the country.
Animation Freelancers are under DEAR ACTION!
“DEAR ACTION!” is a financial assistance program for disaster-affected freelance audio-visual content workers who suddenly lost work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. These freelance workers do not have direct employers and are not eligible to a government instituted benefits of frontline government agencies like DOLE, DSWD, and SSS.
This program covers all eligible freelance audio-visual content workers from talents and on-camera performers (actors, voice actors, stunt people, etc.) to production staff (pre-production, production, and post-production) and technical crew (art, camera, sound, and production dept) in various fields in the audio-visual industry — motion picture/film, television, advertising, animation, and new media.
Individual Application:
- Filled out FDCP National Registry Application Form
- Filled out DEAR Application Form
Affidavit of Declaration and Agreement - Copy of Any proof of income (ITR, payslips, vouchers, issued OR to a client) (optional, if applicable)
- Copy of any Proof of Engagement (covering the Covid-19 crisis period, March 15-April 14)
► Screenshots of text message
► Call Sheet
► Screenshots of emails - Certificate of Engagement from Producer or Production Company
- Copy of any Notice of Cancellation (covering the Covid-19 crisis period, March 15- April 14)
► Screenshots of text message
► Screenshots of emails
► Certification of Cancellation from Producer/Client
If registered ang mga companiesninyo ( you ar working for s freelancer) sa DTI or SEC at may mga papers sila that they have operated, they can also apply the fund assistance program for their FREELANCERS. ( yung regular employees ay pasok yun sa DOLE ).
This funding( Php5K-8K) is available sa FDCP below ( DEAR program) is the one that accepts application from companies for their freelancers na apektado ng lockdown / ECQ from MArch 14- April 14, 2020 ( extended pa ECQ until April 30) ;
Ito ang mga freelancers na ….
1) di na nabigyan ng work (shut down of projects or slow down of production)
2) hindi na makawork due to lack of equipment & internet access sa home locations nila
3) Sudden delay of projects and payments due to client’s are affected also by Covid 19 ( local / international)
Additional documents needed ay yung proof anong shows or projects ang ginagawa nila sa companies na nadisrupt, tumigil, nadelay dahil sa ECQ.