The Department of Health – DOH – today issued the list of essential medicines under automatic price freeze in all areas affected by the Taal eruptive activity.
The price freeze covers maintenance medicines and essential drugs including analgesics, anti-allergics, anticonvulsants, antiseptics, antidotes, and antibiotics among others.
It seeks to ensure that consumers are adequately protected against profiteering, hoarding, cartels, and other similar acts that compromise their access to essential pharmaceutical products and other basic needs, especially during catastrophic events.
“DOH received reports of individuals and establishments that hoard and sell essential commodities at jacked up prices. It is abhorrent that there are people who take advantage of public emergencies and profit at the expense of our suffering of countrymen,” denounced Health Secretary Francisco Duque III.
“It is the mandate of the Department of Health to protect the Filipino people against life-threatening situations, including those that prevent them from seeking the right and adequate products and services when they need it the most,” Duque stated.
While the price freeze covers only areas under calamity, the list may also be used by the general public as a reference to the suggested retail price of the health commodities in the market.
Meanwhile, the DOH and the DTI has recommended to the Office of the President the imposition of price ceilings on N95 and disposable face masks, nebulizers and nebulization kits, oxygen cannulas, and safety goggles.
“We will not compromise the Filipino people’s welfare, especially in this trying time. DOH is exerting all efforts to control prices for essential medicines and commodities for the duration of the emergency,” he concluded. DOH / PRESS RELEASE
To access a list of medicines and info, visit:
DOH Memo of Price Freeze
List of Medicines
Implementing Guidelines of Price Freeze