Glory Moralidad
Hello, I’m Glory! I’m a children’s book author and illustrator and have been nominated and awarded for my works such as 2023 White Ravens from the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany, and a 2023 Catholic Mass Media Award Finalist, Shortlist 2015 Samsung Kids Time Author’s Awards, Singapore; Animation Council of the Philippines 2015 shortlisted animation and winner of 2013 design.
I also founded Bata Ako Ph, an advocacy group that provides holistic enrichment of our children’s lives through unique educational experiences. We aspire to change the lives of our Ilonggo children and let them become the shapers of tomorrow.
2023 White Ravens • 2023 Catholic Mass Media Award Finalist
Glory Moralidad • Author • Children's Books
Discover local reads for children of all ages
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Published Books

The Perfect Tree
ISBN EPUB 978-621-06-0359-0
ISBN Softbound/Paperback 978-621-06-0360-6
ISBN PDF (downloadable) 978-621-06-0361-3
Copyright: December 2022
Author: Glory Moralidad
Illustrator: Danielle Florendo
The datu and his subjects are panicking! Their beloved narra tree is dying, and they don’t know what to do. The tree is the centerpiece of their village and is responsible for its beauty and fame. They don’t want to lose it!
They will do everything to save the fame of the village. And then, they plan to create the perfect tree!

Insoy, the Timid Bawa
ISBN 978-621-95590-3-4
Copyright: 2017
Author: Glory Moralidad
Illustrator: Daniel Tinagan
Once, in the village of Nayong, there were eight bawa, chicken pets of a kapre living on a mango tree. Among the eight bawa, Insoy was the shyest of them all. He was so small that the other bawa bullied and pecked him until his feathers would fall out. Insoy was angry. But, no matter how hard he tried to stop or scare the other bawa, he would still lose in the fight among them. What do you think happened to Insoy?

Paulo Putot
ISBN 978-621-95590-1-0
Copyright: 2017
Author: Glory Moralidad
Illustrator: Alfer Anthony Malaca
Paulo, putot! Paulo, putot! You see, Paulo is quite short for his age. The doctors said he is dealing with a medical condition known as, “dwarfism.” His classmates always make fun of his height. They call him names, push him around, or hide his things. This time, Paulo believes that enough is enough. What can he do to stop the bullying?

ISBN 978-621-95590-2-7
Copyright 2016
Author: Glory Moralidad
Illustrator: Nadine Ann Solis
Riza’s barrio will be holding their fiesta tomorrow, and all that have been among the neighbors are competition, jealousy, and bitterness. Fiesta activities used to be fun and peaceful. Now, everything is like a battlefield! How can Riza return the peace to their barrio once more?

The Frog and the Flies
ISBN 978-621-95590-0-3
Copyright 2016
Author and illustrator: Glory Moralidad
What is the strongest, fastest, and coolest creature in the world? A lion, elephant, or eagle? Nope, it’s a fly! Ah, those egoistic flies! But, what happens when they cross a frog on their way?
Book news
Ilongga author received int’l book recognition in prestigious White Ravens selection by the Internationale Jugendbibliothek in 2023 catalog selection
Ilongga author, Glory Moralidad, and Baguio-basеd artist, Daniеllе Florеndo, havе rеcеntly rеcеivеd intеrnational rеcognition for thеir latеst childrеn’s book, “Thе Pеrfеct Trее,” which was sеlеctеd for inclusion in thе prеstigious Whitе Ravеns cataloguе by thе Intеrnationalе Jugеndbibliothеk (Intеrnational Youth Library) in Munich, Germany.
Thе crеators’ еfforts wеrе duly rеcognizеd by thе National Book Dеvеlopmеnt Board of thе Philippinеs.
Thе Whitе Ravеns catalog sеrvеs as a valuablе rеsourcе for еducators, librarians, parеnts, and young rеadеrs thеmsеlvеs. It offеrs a curatеd list of еxcеptional childrеn’s and young adult books that havе thе potеntial to captivatе and inspirе rеadеrs from diffеrеnt backgrounds. By fеaturing books from a variеty of culturеs and languagеs, thе catalog promotеs divеrsity and inclusivity in childrеn’s litеraturе.
National Book Development Board – Philippines
FINALISTS for the 45th Catholic Mass Media Awards
The book became a finalist at the Catholic Mass Media Awards. According to Moralidad, the book took five years to finish.
“The Perfect Tree,” which revolves around a Narra tree that died and was replaced by a metal tree that soon polluted a whole village and turned it into a “barren wasteland,” highlights environmental issues.
The book also prides itself on an artistic visual, thanks to its illustrator’s watercolors and digital technique that made the story come to life.
What’s special about Florendo and Moralidad’s duo is the passion they share in producing tales that help and serve children.
Juliet Seva, ABS-CBN News. (2023, November 19). Local children’s book reaches international readers. ABS-CBN News. https://news.abs-cbn.com/life/11/19/23/local-childrens-book-reaches-international-readers
What people say about our book
The Perfect Tree: A Children’s Book That Plants Love For Reading And For The Environment
I agree 100%! believe that when a child develops a passion for learning, he or she is pretty much set for life. Nothing can get in your way when you have a learner’s mindset. You can do anything and be anything! And the quickest, most accessible way to learn is to read.
And we can start planting a love for reading (and for the environment) with The Perfect Tree.
– Nana Nadal, PR practitioner, business development consultant, and event organizer. She co-hosts Gear Box, a motoring, tech, and lifestyle show on Radyo Pilipinas 738 kHz AM.
Redemption Arc For Everyone
It’s not just because of the melodic text, in particular the way its author, Glory Moralidad, masterfully started the book. Writers claim you cannot do worldbuilding in a short story, but those first two spreads transported me straight into the village of Anyag. I’ve read hundreds of children’s books as a hobby reader and a school librarian, and to be honest, few have grabbed my attention that way.
Read more at: https://patticastillo.com/2023/01/28/the-perfect-tree-book-review-2/
-Patti Castillo, four-time finalist in the Department of Education’s Gawad Teodora Alonso (National Competition on Storybook Writing) for the category Stories for Habit and Hobby Readers.
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