Never mind going home with scraped knees, bruises, and dirt on our hands and legs—that adds to the fun!

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Art and Design: Design, Illustration, Crafts, DIY
Here, we talk about people, projects, and tutorials on Adobe programs, graphic design, and 2D or 3D animation. What’s more, it’s going to be about technology and its correlation to lifestyle and productivity.
♥ What we say ♥
How Does Art Affect Culture and Society?
Everybody loves to see pieces of art. From paintings, music to literature, art has a big influence on culture and society. Cultures of different countries are rich in different artwork that reflects people’s history. We know more about our society through music and literature that come from a certain city and town.
The Effect of Art in Culture
Artworks such as paintings and sculpture preserve what it’s like living in a certain era in history. We discover more about our ancestors and beliefs through the writings, music, and paintings handed from generation to generation. These allow us to appreciate and value our culture.
Art is also referred to as communication. People with different cultures talk and understand each other through stories, images, and sounds. We discover the culture of different countries that enables us to know more about a certain race or region.
The Effect of Art in Society
Have you read an inspiring story or novel? If you did, what does it tell about society? Art in the form of writing or music affects the community by motivating people and creates change for the good of the community. Art enables us to embrace social change. A movie or a song inspires and influences us to embrace social change. Through art, we can think of ways to make our life wonderful and beautiful.
Art shapes the culture and society to be beautiful, engaging and productive in many years to come.
Do Design Trends Affect Lifestyle and Productivity?
People are always open to change that helps influence their lifestyle and productivity. For example, customers are always looking for new products that improve their personalization and production methods. Employees in offices aim to use the best tools or work with knowledge workers so that they can develop their productivity.
Flexible office designs set by mobile knowledge workers
Productivity in the office shouldn’t be limited. New solutions should always be present to create change in the office lifestyle. Design trends such as mobile knowledge workers use their research skills to define and solve a problem.
The rise of knowledge workers offers new requirements for office designs. The workers make the office adaptable to the specific work of the employees.
Effect of new technology on our lifestyle and productivity
The rise of computers and mobile phones affect the lifestyle of people. In a few clicks, we get the information we need from the internet. We can communicate with our families and relatives offshore using mobile devices.
When it comes to productivity, we can complete tons of paper works within the day using computers and laptops. They make us flexible and productive at work.
Globalization changes lifestyle and productive methods
Innovation is present in globalization that affects how people live and become productive in their office. We seek and try different products such as clothes and accessories that help boost our lifestyle. With these products, we accept the growing development of companies in the market.
Also, productive methods within companies change due to the ongoing design trends such as globalization. Workers gain a performance boost by using new tools and equipment in the office. Here, an advanced and flexible approach is present within the company.
Design trends affect our lifestyle and productivity in different ways from buying new products to using office equipment. The design trends are keys for us to achieve a bright future.