Everyone is born creative. Only a few are brave enough to grow up being creative, though. So, how to improve creativity, now that you’re grown up?
But, creativity is not limited to painting, writing, or playing like when we were children. Creativity is that skill we need even when solving life’s mundane problems.
Now that we’re all adults, it’s hard to keep or develop our creative side.
That’s because we tend to deter this natural skill because it’s not deemed important.
How to improve creativity
Think for yourself
You’ve heard about herd mentality. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas on how to tackle a problem. Even if you’re wrong, just be thankful that you get to learn why it’s like that. Remember, creativity dies when all minds think the same. What we need now is variety in thoughts and beliefs.
Think like a child
Adults judge and make assumptions of the world including their own outputs. Meanwhile, children just do. For example, in this scenario – adults are too embarrassed to make a drawing. They want to make their concepts and objects similar to real life and would hide it in embarrassment if they can’t pull it off. A child would simply draw with no hesitation.
Get to see things differently
We see, smell, taste, hear, and touch. But we construct ideas and perception on how to see the world. Creative people always see the world from another perspective. Seeing things from different angles can generate great ideas for you to produce a groundbreaking result.
Avoid lazy thinking habits
One word: heuristics. It’s an approach to arrive on a solution that’s not guaranteed to be logical, but just mediocre enough to be accepted. And being heuristic kills your creative side. In the long-term, it even makes you dull. Instead, you can try questioning your beliefs and look for other ways to solve a problem. Like what they say – destination can have different roads.
Observe and write down in detail
You can do this practice in your home lest someone call the cops on you for staring. Write down, for example, a plant. Describe it in detail like it’s long, thin, spiky, or whatever. What different object does it remind you of? Now, describe another object. I think word association playing makes a great practice to keep creativity alive as well.
These are just quick tips to get your juices flowing in no time. Trust me, there are plenty of ways to on how to improve your creativity.
We mentioned that creativity is a means to solve problems innovatively. Now, this is a positivity blog. How can positivity bring out the creativity in you?