Ilonggo Night Market and Street Food Hawkers Festival begins today

The first Ilonggo Night Market and Street Food Hawkers Festival was held on August 29 to September 1, 2019, at Robinson’s Place Pavia.

Iloilo Night Market and Street Food Hawkers Festival video by KDA Films

The first Ilonggo Night Market and Street Food Hawkers Festival happened from August 29 to September 1, 2019, from 4PM to 12AM, at Robinson’s Place Pavia.

The four-day festival featured 24 Ilonggo hawkers and your all-favorite regional cuisines.

As many as 1,000 locals flocked to visit the night market. The event was jam-packed with people keen to discover a wide variety of food and drinks.

Organized by Chef Rafael ‘Tibong’ Jardeleza, the festival aimed to feature street cuisine that has been long part of Ilonggo culture, with Western Visayas as the food haven of the Philippines.

In an interview with Vos+Creo, Anna, 32 years old, a marketing associate in Sta. Barbara said, “The hawkers’ fest is an opportunity to see all food Ilonggos have. It’s like the ultimate ‘sumsman session.’

Meanwhile, Mark, an engineering student from Central Philippine University said, “It’s awesome to hang out with friends this way and to appreciate culture at the same time. [I] can’t wait for the next Ilonggo Night Market and Food Festival!”

Foodies not only got to taste hawkers street eats like isaw and fishball, but also got the chance to eat gourmet variants. People delight in foods such as the La Paz Batchoy Ice Cream by A Artisinal Ice Cream, Batuan Cooler with Tanglad Jelly by Crypto Café, and Great Red Wine Anchovies by Bonami.


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